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Electron Devices and Applications
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ICEDA 2021
ICEDA 2021 >> August 14-16, 2021
2021 International Conference on Electron Devices and Applications (ICEDA 2021) was successfully held Virtually during August 14-16, 2021. It is hosted by Southeast University, China and Joint International Resarch Laboratory of Information Display and Visualization. The conference program consists of 3 keynote speeches, 3 invted speeches and 5 oral sessions. ICEDA 2021 successfully created a good platform for the students, researchers and engineers to interact with each other. Hopefully we could meet again face to face next year!
Conference Proceedings
>> ICEDA 2021 papers have been published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Volume 2065).
Online Linkage
>> Less than 1 month after online, the proceedings has been indexed by
Ei Compendex
ICEDA 2021 Book Cover
Conference Photos
Online Group Photo
On August 15, 2021 morning, Conference Chair-Prof. Wei Lei, Southeast University made the opening remarks. At the beginning, he warmly welcomed all the delegates participation and explained why the conference was finally changed to online form. Then he introduced every speakers and gave some genernal information of ICEDA 2021, eg.submission, registration, participants' nationalites etc. Later, he gave a breif overview of the conference program. Keynote&Invited sessions started after the opening, which was chaired by Prof. Wei Lei. Delegates were actively enaged in discussion and communication.
Opening remarks made by Prof. Wei Lei, Southeast University, China
Prof. Juin J. Liou (FIEEE), Shenzhen University, China
Title: Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Protection of Modern and Future Integrated Circuits: Challenges and Solutions
Prof. Xiaoqing Wen (FIEEE), Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Title: LSI Testing: A Core Technology to a Successful Semiconductor Industry
Prof. Daohua Zhang (FInstP, FIET), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Title: Electron-beam Lithography Fabricated Arrays and Their Applications
Assoc. Prof. Jun Wu, Southeast University, China
Title: Flexible Electronics for Intelligent Systems
Prof. Byung Seong Bae, Hoseo University, Korea
Title: Decoder Type Scan Driver Suitable for Flexible and Stretchable Display
Prof. Razika ZAIR TALA-IGHIL, University M’hamed Bougara of Boumerdes, Algeria
Title: Effect of Basic pH of Starting Solution on ZnO Nanoparticule Prepared by the Hydrothermal Method and their Photocatalytic Activities
There are 5 oral sessions arranged in the afternoon of August 15 and August 16. One best presentation was selected by session chairs from each session. Congratuluation to the 5 presenters below as well as all the co-authors!
Paper Title: Numerical Simulation of Organic Solar Cells using SCAPS Software
Authors: Youcef Ayache and
Razika Zaïr Tala-Ighil
From: University M’hamed Bougara of Boumerdes, Algeria
Paper Title: Compliance Current-dependent Dual-functional Unipolar and Threshold Resistive Switching in Silver Nanowires-egg Albumen Composites-based Device
Z J Weng
, Z W Zhao, H L Jiang and Y Fang
From: Southeast University, China
Paper Title: Neuromorphic Optoelectronic Transistors based on MoS2/QDs Mixed-dimensional Heterojunction
Yilin Sun
From: Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Paper Title: A Passive, Skin-Attachable Multi-Sensing Patch Based on Semi-Liquid Alloy Ni-GaIn for Wireless Epidermal Signal Monitoring and Body Motion Capturing
Shipeng Lin
, Jiming Fang, Tianchen Ye, Yan Tao and Jun Wu
From: Southeast University, China
Paper Title: Investigation of Base Transport Mechanism in Silicon-Germanium Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor Operating over Wide Temperature Range
Guofang Yu
, Jie Cui, Yue Zhao, Jun Fu and Tian-Ling Ren
From: Tsinghua University, China