Singapore | Oct. 21-23, 2024

Submission Guidelines


Submission Type

Full Paper (Presentation and Publication)

Accepted full papers will be invited to give the presentation at the conference and be published in the conference proceeding.

Abstract (Presentation only)

Accepted abstract will be invited to give the presentation at the conference, the presentation will not be published in the conference proceeding, but it will be included in conference program.
Official language is English in paper writing and presenting. 
Any submission must not have been, or will not be published elsewhere or submitted to another conference before the review notification date of this conference. 
All submissions will be peer-reviewed based on originality, technical quality and presentation

Important Date

July 25, 2024
Submission Deadline
*Submit before/on this date
August 15, 2024
Notification of Result
*Get results before/on this date
August 26, 2024
Registration Deadline
*Register before/on this date
October 21-23, 2024
Conference Period
*Event Dates